On Campus

Charming East: HSE University Hosts Anniversary Oriental Crazy Day 2024

Charming East: HSE University Hosts Anniversary Oriental Crazy Day 2024
At the end of May, HSE University hosted the traditional Oriental Crazy Day. This year the holiday was held for the tenth time. For students, this is an opportunity to show their talents on stage, take part in fortune-telling with the Book of Changes, and learn more about the diversity of Asian cultures as well as the bachelor’s programme ‘Asian and African Studies.’

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’
HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov has congratulated university students, teachers, and staff on the upcoming New Year. ‘May each and every one of you spend these festive days in a heartwarming atmosphere, rejuvenating and reuniting with your families. I hope that the upcoming 2024 is filled with positive events in your lives, studies, and careers,’ he said.

‘HSE Is an International University that Represents Different Cultures and Peoples’

‘HSE Is an International University that Represents Different Cultures and Peoples’
On December 19, the atrium of the HSE Pokrovka building hosted the ‘HSE Is the World’ festival, which brought together over 20 student cultural clubs and associations. Their representatives told the participants about the winter holiday traditions of various nationalities, ran quizzes, and held games. The event was organised by the HSE Department of Internationalisation.

‘We Want to Make Sure that International Students Have Fulfilling Academic and Personal Lives’

‘We Want to Make Sure that International Students Have Fulfilling Academic and Personal Lives’
The Council of the International Student Association (CISA) works to ensure that international students can live and study comfortably at HSE University and in Russia in general. At present, CISA consists of nine international students and its Chair. Its current activities include dealing with border closures, arranging vaccinations, and creating information channels for international students.

‘We Should Find Ways to Maintain Channels of Communication’

‘We Should Find Ways to Maintain Channels of Communication’
In February, HSE University welcomed Kypros Giorgallis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cyprus to the Russian Federation. The Ambassador met with HSE University Vice Rector Victoria Panova to discuss ways of establishing academic links between HSE University and universities in Cyprus.

Maslenitsa: HSE International Students Celebrate Russian Traditions

Maslenitsa: HSE International Students Celebrate Russian Traditions
On February 22, the HSE University Faculty of Humanities held a Maslenitsa celebration at the building on Staraya Basmannaya. At the event, which was aimed at helping international students settle in, students learned about the meaning of Maslenitsa (or Pancake Week), enjoyed festive games and attractions, and feasted on pancakes with condensed milk. HSE students from various diasporas also showcased their own traditions for seeing off winter and offered a taste of their national dishes.