On Campus

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology
On December 21st  Master's programme in Applied Social Psychology organized the 4th annual All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology. International students from many faculties and schools, including Preparatory year students, gathered to celebrate HSE’s multicultural environment and the Russian New Year.

'Every Day Something Interesting Happens'

'Every Day Something Interesting Happens'
Amand van Rossum, student of a MA Programme in International Relations, has been part of the International Students’ Association since its foundation, first serving as its Vice-Chair and then becoming the Student Advisor and PR Officer. He has talked to HSE News Service about international students’ life in Moscow and the role International Student Association intends to play in helping students better adapt at HSE.

South American Students Reflect on Time in Moscow

Students who choose to study in another country always find that the decision comes with a number of challenges. Distance from home, language, strange rules and regulations, and general cultural differences can make the experience both difficult and rewarding at the same time. Coming to Russia to study at HSE is no exception.