
‘The Problems Are the Same Everywhere. If You Want to Bring Changes, You Have to Do It Collectively’

Kafayat Ali
Kafayat Ali, from the city of Depalpur in Pakistan, is a graduate of Lahore Leads University and a current student of the HSE Preparatory Year programme. In September, he will begin his studies on the Master’s in Critical Media Studies at HSE University-Moscow. In this interview, Kafayat explains how he helps others discover HSE University, how the Prep Year programme prepares students for their time in Russia, and why studying a country’s social issues can help people all over the world.

‘Everyone Quickly Engaged in Conversations and Demonstrated Their Creative Thinking’

‘Everyone Quickly Engaged in Conversations and Demonstrated Their Creative Thinking’
The online Russian Speaking Club opened only a month ago, but has seen a rapid growth in the number of participants. Every week, the club holds free online meetings where participants and a Russian language tutor discuss various topics related to the Russian language and culture. Below, the club leaders share their impressions and plans, which include going offline.

Open Day: Feel Like an HSE University Student

Open Day: Feel Like an HSE University Student
On March 3, HSE University will host a University-wide Open Day for applicants to bachelor's and specialist programmes. It is a significant event for the university, its teachers and students, and, of course, applicants. Participants will have a chance to learn more about HSE University’s academic and extracurricular environment, talk to representatives of faculties and educational programmes, participate in activities, and learn about opportunities for self-development.

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’
HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov has congratulated university students, teachers, and staff on the upcoming New Year. ‘May each and every one of you spend these festive days in a heartwarming atmosphere, rejuvenating and reuniting with your families. I hope that the upcoming 2024 is filled with positive events in your lives, studies, and careers,’ he said.

‘HSE Is an International University that Represents Different Cultures and Peoples’

‘HSE Is an International University that Represents Different Cultures and Peoples’
On December 19, the atrium of the HSE Pokrovka building hosted the ‘HSE Is the World’ festival, which brought together over 20 student cultural clubs and associations. Their representatives told the participants about the winter holiday traditions of various nationalities, ran quizzes, and held games. The event was organised by the HSE Department of Internationalisation.

‘HSE is the World’ Festival to Take Place at Pokrovka

‘HSE is the World’ Festival to Take Place at Pokrovka
All activities are conducted in English

Russian Speaking Club: Practicing the Language and Meeting New Friends

Russian Speaking Club: Practicing the Language and Meeting New Friends
For HSE Preparatory Year students, the Russian Speaking Club is a way to improve their language proficiency in a relaxed atmosphere. At this year’s first such event, they discussed online communications and social media. Michael Dzodzoe from Ghana and Leen Sabbagh from Syria shared their impressions with the HSE News Service.

Shanghai Ranking Names HSE Top Russian University in 11 Subjects

Shanghai Ranking Names HSE Top Russian University in 11 Subjects
HSE University is this year’s leading Russian university in 11 subjects in the Shanghai Ranking. In seven of these, the university is the only Russian higher education institution to appear. This year, the university was ranked among the top universities for Communications for the first time and returned to the ranking for Sociology.

‘The African Students Association Believes in Fostering an Inclusive and Diverse Atmosphere’

Bakary S. Sonko
Russia is becoming an increasingly popular study destination for African students, and HSE University is actively seeking to attract more students from African countries. Bakary S. Sonko, from Gambia, is a master’s student at the Graduate School of Business and an active member of the volunteering community both at HSE University and beyond. In this interview, Bakary recounts his achievements as a volunteer and talks about how African students at HSE have built a supportive and welcoming community for each other.

‘I Am an Insider Who Can Help New Students in an Unfamiliar Country’

Azzahra Afidah Faizah
HSE University boasts a variety of student clubs and societies: sports clubs, charity organisations, cultural clubs, and many more. Azzahra Afidah Faizah, one of the founders of the HSE Indonesian Club, talks about its activities, objectives, and plans.